On the real though if there no love or you ain't feeling me why should we be friends?. I mean we as guys want ONE thing and that ain't being "Besties", or a shoulder to cry on.
I feel girls should be able to take care of the Bestie department and give a man some room to breath.
So lets quit making fake friendships and lets all be booty calls, friends with benefits, or whatever you want it to be as long as its gonna be real, then Done!
Remember Real knows Real, and if you want to be just Friends join Facebook ayt? aaaayt!!
Stay Fresh, Stay Fly.. Jaz!
lol... nah thats absolute bull!! i got tons of homies that i just hang with and their cool with it.
yeah guys might have a one track mind but we all have that opposite gendered friend that u genuinely don't wana "hit".
i really dont get guys who dont wana be your buddy coz theres no potential that ull eventually get into her pants!
wat u need to understand is, if u approach me in buddy-buddy typa way, u automatically go into the friend zone, and thats hard to get out of if it's even possible...
if being friends is not ur intention, make it clear from the get go, it'll reduce disappiontments from both parties!
Meatlaof... word!
DAmn!.. sounds like u have alot of ppl in the friend zone. The Friend Zone is every guys' enemy, and those guys who r jus content wit jus bing friends.. haai m not so sho bout dam!. Lets b friends and c if i'l be in that Zone 4 long... but like Jaz sed it.. If u wanna jus be friends JOIN FACEBOOK
I agree with Aya, all you guys just ever think about is "eFFing" a girl... If you want to bang that girl, trust me, be friends with her first lol though all girls aren't the same!
@ Funk.. If i be friends wit her first, i will never come out that Friend Zone!
@ Splash, i think you can. Just dont make it too much of a friendship. Flirt with her but dont be too pushy. Dont limit yourself to the boundaries of the friendship or what friendships are made of.
ok funk girl, ur ryt... but the mere fact that he's flirting lets u know that "ok there could be something there" girls pick that typa stuff up hence u then have a "friends with benefits" r.ship... dude splash, u c me around bra, it aint all that often that im actually with a chick... so u telling me all those guys are just hanging around in hopes to tap? HELL NO... theres a sh*t load of boody out there for a guy to be chasing the same piece of ass for long... some guy-girl friendships really do work im telling u... me and my boi zweli... dude, we both repulsed by the thought of doing the nasty bra, thats my homie ryt there and ive got a number of friends like that... lol... with me dude, once ur in ur in... woza nawe to the friend zone... ull soon realise that thats all it should ever be... lol.
Im not beefing wit guy gal friendships (dow i dont approve, but dats a topic 4 anada day) Im saying if da dude is pushing Mack and ur not interested da F word u can use is 'Nigga F... Off' don't string him along and put him in friend Zone.
Dats rest ammo leave 2 da author- Jaz, to sort out..
Ayanda i aint bating for your team ryt now... i mean the friend zone aint a "comfy" place. I say ask one of your guy friends out and check if he wont jump at the shot of bieng removed from the "ZONE"...
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