But with females that aint the case. With them its always painful,emotional, sad etc etc...
This cycle is vital in this game... Without it alot of people would be single so break-ups help keep us on heavy rotation.
Break-ups are bound to hapen eventually, plus the good thing about them is that sooner or later she`ll come back as a friend or a booty
call...but 85% of the time they`l be booty calls.
As a guy i believe geting an even hotter rebound/replacement girl is the best way 2 move on and make the "EX-GIRL" envy.
So to all o` my niggaz lets mend thier broken hearts and keep the
cycle moving.....
Why do you still feel the need to make her envious?
Exactly Funk. If you're tryna get over someone, making your life about them even in their absence just points at your feelings for them still. Not such a playa after all, huh?
Its human intution to show off your success. To show your Ex's that you'v Progressed!. Like Yay said- All my eX'S KNOW i'm the one that got away...
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